15 Best Bourbon Bars in the U.S. "not to be missed, one of the best bourbon bars in Louisville"

Open two hours before
weekend events
at the Yum! Center
View all hours
122 West Main St. Louisville, KY 40202
Due to the modest size of our restaurant, we do not take reservations
We only seat complete parties, any incomplete parties will be put on a wait until the party is complete.
We apologize for the inconvenience
Southern & Soul Food
Merle's Whiskey Kitchen is a toe-tappin classic whiskey hall located in Downtown Louisville on Whiskey Row. Featuring an award-winning menu of Southern/American cuisine and hand-crafted cocktails. We host live music from local, regional, as well as national artists.
When you enter through our open-air vintage doors, you’ll be transported to a classic western whiskey hall. The historic interior features belt-driven fans and a bar built in the 1920’s. We’ll have you making new friends and having good times. Whiskey Kitchen: Memories are made here! See Y’all Soon!
We are open two hours prior to all KFC Yum! Center events on Saturday/Sunday/Monday.

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